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    WFSA12 – WizFloor Sanitising Foot-Wash Mats

    WizFloor sanitising foot-wash mats are designed to decontaminate shoes and boots which are among the worst culprits in spreading harmful germs and bacteria in food production facilities. Step into the mat and bathe harmful germs and bacteria in a disinfectant solution. WizFloor sanitising foot-wash mats provide CRITICAL protection from potentially deadly contamination.


    • Chemically resistant to common disinfectant solutions
    • 1/2″ (13 mm) depth
    • 1 gallon (3.8 liters) capacity
    • Ideal for food production facilities
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    Chemical Resistance


    • A = Performs well
    • B = Slightly affected
    • C = Moderately affected
    • D = Highly affected
    • U = Not recommended
    • NT = Not tested
    Chemical Urethane Nitrile PVC CFR SBR Natural Rubber
    Acetone U U U C C C
    Animal Fats NT A C U U U
    Bleach Solution (10% Dilute) NT B B C C C
    Boric Acid B A A A A A
    Brake Fluid U A B D D D
    Brake Fluid (Silicone Based) U A B A B B
    Chlorine Solution (3% Dilute) C A B C C C
    Citric Acid NT A C C C U
    Cutting Fluid (Mineral Oil Based) U B B B C D
    Diesel Oil U A B U U U
    Ethylene Acetate NT U NT U U U
    Ethylene Glycol B A A A A A
    Hydraulic Oil (Petroleum) U A B D D D
    Hydrochloric Acid Cole (37% Dilute) U C C B B B
    Isopropyl Alcohol A B A B B A
    Lacquer Solvents U U U U U U
    Lindol (Hydraulic Fluid) NT U NT U U U
    MEK U U U U U U
    Mineral Oil C A B A B U
    Naptha NT C U U U U
    Napthlene U U U U U U
    Petroleum U C B D D D
    Salt Water A A B B B C
    Tolulene U U U U U U
    Transmission Fluid (Type A) U B A C U U
    Trichloroethane U U U U U U
    Vegetable Oil C A B C C C


    Q: What does GR stand for?

    A: GR stands for Natural Rubber and is chemically resistant to common disinfectant solutions.

    Q: What types of disinfectant solutions can be used?

    A: Commonly used solutions include quaternary disinfectants or a diluted chlorine solution. The Center for Disease Control (CDC) recommends 500 ppm (1:100 dilution of household bleach) to 5000 ppm (1:10 dilution of bleach), depending on the amount of organic material present. NOTE: using undiluted or higher concentrations of chlorine can breakdown rubber products like foot-wash mats. A sanitizing powder can also be used for disinfection. Warning: The US EPA and Cal EPA have defined disinfectants (antimicrobials) as pesticides. All EPA-registered antimicrobials must be used according to California worker safety regulations. This includes bleaches such as Clorox and Purex and other commonly used chlorine cleaner/disinfectants.

    Q: Are there other sizes?

    A: No, unfortunately the mat is molded in a solid piece to prevent leakage. It comes in two convenient heights; a 1/2″ or 2.5″ bevel on all 4 sides to hold in the disinfectant solutions.

    Q: How do I clean my Sanitizing Foot-Wash Mat mat?

    A: Use a high-pressure hose (not to exceed 500 psi) and hot water (max 160o F) to rid the mats of oils. For best results use a mild soap or detergent with a pH between 4 and 9, to clean the mats. Do not use steam (unless specifically recommended), degreasers, or caustic chemicals. Do not machine wash or mechanically scrub the mats.

    Q: Do your rubber mats smell?

    A:They have the same fragrant rubbery smell like any rubber product. The mat should lose that smell over time. If you are planning to install rubber mats or flooring in any enclosed space, please remember that this can slow the dissipation of a strong rubber scent.

    Q: How much can each hold of Disinfectant solution?

    A: Our 1/2″ will hold 1 gallon of solution, while the 2 1/2″ Tall Wall will hold 5 gallons

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